DivorceBureau.com.sg Disclaimer
DivorceBureau.com.sg seeks to provide assistance to the best of our ability to help users prepare and generate the document necessary to file for divorce in the Family Justice Courts of Singapore but is not responsible for the content of the document generated from our website, neither are we responsible for the rejection of the said documents by the Singapore Courts due to inaccurate input or false information, or any reasons whatsoever. By clicking “Next”, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions governing the usage of DivorceBureau.com.sg.
DivorceBureau.com.sg is an information service provider. We do not provide legal advice and no solicitor-client relationship is established in any form with anyone using the service provided by our website. The contents in DivorceBureau.com.sg are for the purposes of providing general information only.
The contents in DivorceBureau.com.sg are not intended to be legal or an exhaustive statement of the Law. The contents in DivorceBureau.com.sg may fail to meet all your necessary needs and are not intended to replace professional legal advice. You should consult a lawyer for legal advice for your specific situation.
Divorcebureau.com.sg and Yeo & Associates LLC are not responsible for any loss which may arise from the usage of the contents or services provided by our website by any user. DivorceBureau.com.sg does not have any fee-sharing arrangements with any law firms or lawyers.